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In It For The Long Run

October 17, 2018

It pays to be fit.

Genetics Fitness’ owner/operator Yvonne Campbell will be celebrating her one year nine-month milestone this November with success behind and opportunity ahead.

However, Genetics wasn’t initially conceived as a gym. “I’ve always been into fitness”, Yvonne recalls. “And I actually wanted to become a personal trainer. But at the time, the community really needed an all-purpose gym.” In the early stages of her business development, she took time to develop a business plan with resources and assistance from Community Futures. The resources and business plan coaching helped solidify her planning and the financial templates continue to see use even now.

Genetics Fitness has become an all-purpose gym that serves a large assortment of clients ranging from fitness-focused athletes and power-seeking strongmen to newcomers just looking to improve their lifestyle. The space features a variety of machines and is divided into sections so gym-goers can feel comfortable at any level. Yvonne’s goal is to reach those who otherwise would never set foot in a gym, especially elders and low-income individuals, and it’s working.

Like any business, it comes with its own challenges. As a dedicated owner/operator, Yvonne has to work at maintaining balance between her busy personal life with her family and operating her business. However, the busy lifestyle has not stopped her from thinking forward. Yvonne says her next step is to work with the youth and offer family rates for couples and children (aged 10-18).

Genetics Fitness Facebook page and Website can be found through the links below:

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